Thursday 27 September 2012

Week 6 Spellings

Spellings to be tested on 8th October (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two

Week 5 Spellings

These spellings will be tested on Monday, 1st October:

Group One
Group Two

Friday 28th September 2012

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We have had a super time in lower key stage 2 this week! The children have been blowing us away with their grown up behaviour and their outstanding learning.

Home Learning
This week for home learning, we have asked the children to continue learning their spellings which can be found in their reading records. We were blown away after this week’s spelling test with all of the high scores the children received. Some of your children have been issued with a purple learning pack. Please support us in supporting your child’s learning, by encouraging them to practice their key word spellings on a regular basis. Please also continue to encourage your child to read regularly at home. Please sign their reading record as evidence.

In Literacy this week we have been finding out all about Victorian Schools. The children have been watching different film clips and reading a variety of books in order to learn interesting facts to include in their writing. We have been further developing our understanding of compound sentences by using sophisticated connects, for example: despite, although, as well as. We have also been encouraging children to write paragraphs with audience engaging features, such as questions to the reader, alliteration, and brackets for further information.

In Numeracy this week the children have been using the more than and less than symbols to determine the value of a given number. The children have really impressed us by using decimal notation and negative numbers. Next week we will be joining Wood and the round up gang to learning how to round 10’s, 100’s and 1000’s!

This week in Topic, children have been watching a variety of film clips, including Oliver, and using information books in order to make relevant notes about Victorian Schools. We have been learning all about how terrible the teachers were, and have had great discussions about the punishments that were dished out! Next week we will be learning about Victorian leisure and play activities.


·        Please ensure your child has an art shirt, which stays in their locker throughout the year

·        PE kits need to come in on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. Miss Thackeray’s and Mrs Moore’s class will now have PE on Tuesdays. Miss Snowden’s will have PE on Thursday

·        Please ensure you bring in your signed reading record on Monday morning.
Have a lovely weekend,
Team 34

Monday 10 September 2012

Week 2 Spellings

Today, the children were assigned to a spelling group (group one or group two). They were also given their spellings to stick into their reading record. Please ensure you practice these with your child regularly at home. They shall be tested on them next Monday, which is also when they will receive their new spellings for the following week. We will always put the spellings on the blog too, so you can access them if your child is absent on a Monday.
Thanks in advance for your support!
Team 3/4
To be tested on Monday, 17th September:

Group One
Group Two

Friday 7th September

Home Learning
As part of the children’s home learning in 3/4, we ask that the children read as often as they can across the week. All of the children have now picked a new reading book and have received a brand new reading record. This is where they can evidence all of the amazing reading they are doing at home. Please continue to encourage your child to read on a regular basis and fill in the reading record. We ask that your child hands their record in on a Monday so we can reward them for each day they have read. If a child reads every day they will be rewarded with 5 house points for their new house team.  We will also be giving spellings out every Monday that will be written in their reading records.


We have had an amazing and exciting start to the new year in year 3/4 and we are extremely proud of all of the children for their sensible and mature attitudes towards their learning.  We are very excited for the year ahead! We have been blown away by the amount of holiday home learning we have received so far. The children have worked super hard to research an aspect of Victorian life which they have presented in many different ways such as: pictures, ICT presentations, fact files, time lines and lots more! There is still time for your child to bring in some home learning around our new topic Victorians that we can display in our classroom.

We would like to welcome Miss Snowden, Mrs Comstive and Mrs Brooks to the happy 3/4 team. The children have been introduced to the new behaviour system in school and have all been given a house colour.  This will be explained in more detail at the Parent Meeting which will be held on Monday 10th September at 2:40 – 3:10 in your child’s class.  We encourage you all to attend this as a time to learn more about your class teacher, the routines and our expectations for the year ahead.

Some children were given a cardboard folder with a keyword mat and an exercise book to practice over the Summer. If your child had one of these packs, please can you ensure it comes back in every Monday morning to be marked by the class teacher. We will be sending some of these packs out to more children over the coming weeks with a letter. Thank you for your support.

PE is a vital part of the curriculum, therefore every child needs to bring in their PE kit either on the day or it can be left in their locker for the half term.  At times the children will be using different apparatus and need to be dressed in safe and appropriate clothing.  3/4T and 3/4S will have PE every Tuesday afternoon and 3/4M on a Thursday morning. If your child does not have their PE kit they will not be able to take part in the fun and exciting activities planned for their own safety. 

During Literacy this half term, your child will be looking at the features Non-Chronological Report and writing one all about the Victorians. The children will continue to extend their super ideas into compound and complex sentences using a variety of connectives such as: so, if, but, because, when. The children will also be grouping these super sentences into rainbow paragraphs using lots of engaging features to interest the reader.

This half term your child will be looking and Counting, Numbers and the Number System. Your child will learn to develop their independence around choosing appropriate strategies for solving mental maths questions, as well as develop their confidence in their times tables.  Each week we will give you information about how you can support your child at home.  Please use the school website: Learning Zone, Numeracy and support your child playing the Number games.
Have a lovely weekend,
Team 3/4

Welcome Back!

All the year 3/4 staff would like to welcome everyone back to school! Here on our blog, we will keep you updated with our weekly newsletter and spellings and you can also find some fantastic online activities to help you with your learning at home! Please make sure you visit our blog regularly from home!Here's to a great year ahead of us!
"Impossible is nothing"

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