Thursday 28 March 2013

Egypt Home Learning

Thursday 28th March

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We have had a super week in Lower Key Stage 2 and are very proud of the children’s mature and sensible attitude towards their assessments! We have also had a great reading day today and the children looked great in their costumes!

Home learning

Next half term, the children will be learning all about India in their topic sessions. Please support your child at home during the Easter holidays by helping them to research an aspect of Indian culture. Their learning can be presented in any way they would like, for example through posters, paintings, PowerPoints, fact files and even videos! We look forward to seeing this home learning in the first week back, and putting it towards our classroom displays!


This week, the children have had a chance to show off their super learning by writing a recount about a day out at the seaside. The children used a short video clip as a stimulus, and then planned their own day’s events at a pleasure beach. We were so impressed to see the children independently using a range of compound and complex sentences, adjectives, adverbs, powerful verbs and sophisticated word choices too! Ask your child for some new words they have learned this half term in their ‘Magpie Books’!


During our science lessons this week, the children have been learning about the rock cycle and the different types of rocks (sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic). The children have had a chance to make these different rocks out of chocolate, which enabled them to see the different characteristics of the rocks.  The children have also enjoyed learning about earthquakes and volcanoes! Why don’t you ask your child how and why volcanos and earthquakes happen?


This week, the children have been continuing their learning about Ganesha’s birth. They have been retelling this story using comic strips, short plays, smart notebook and through story telling. We have enjoyed reading and watching all of the different versions of the story!

Spellings Reminders

·        Please remember to bring indoor PE kit on the correct day (Tuesday/Thursday). The children will be starting to learn ‘The Big Dance’ routine.

·        We check Reading Records every Monday morning; please ensure your child brings in their signed Record so we can reward all of their fantastic reading.

Have a lovely Easter holiday!

Team 3/4

Spellings Sum1 Week2

Spellings to be tested on Monday the 22nd April (the children already have their spellings for the first Monday back)

Group One
Group Two

Thursday 21 March 2013

Egyptian Gods

Well done year 3/4 for your amazing drawings of The Egyptian Gods!
Please take a look at their amazing artwork.

Friday 22 March 2013

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We have had a lovely time this week in year 3/4! The week got off to a great start with the children’s super numeracy home learning- it was really great to see that so many children had really tried to continue their learning at home and we are very proud of them. We chose all of the children for our achiever this week- they have blown our socks off with their outstanding figure drawings of Egyptian Gods that we simply had to celebrate everyone’s success. They showed so much attention to detail in making sure that their drawings were in proportion and were very careful with their watercolour painting!


In Literacy this week, we have been developing our ideas into complex sentences, focussing on the main clause and embedded clause in a sentence and making sure the children remember their commas in the right places. The children have been applying this into their diary writing this week. They imagined they’d been marooned on a desert island and then wrote a diary about a day on the island- we had some great ideas, from swimming with dolphins and eating coconuts to looking for shooting stars at night!


This week we have been using our multiplication and division knowledge to answer word problems. The children have been successful in identifying the key parts of information in a word problem, before deciding what operation they need to use (add, subtract, multiply, divide) and what strategy they need to use to find the answer. The children have then been given different assessment-type questions to tackle, in preparation for our assessment week next week. We have been really pleased with how they have been able to apply their learning to solve these!


As mentioned earlier, the children have produced fantastic art outcomes in our topic sessions this week. They have all produced an accurate human figure and then displayed great skill in their use of watercolour pencils. Look out for them on display in the classrooms and mall when you come in for parent consultations!

Have a lovely weekend!


Team 3/4

Spellings Sum1 Week 1

Spellings to be tested on Monday 15th April (The children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two


Thursday 14 March 2013

Spellings Spr2 Week 5

Spellings to be tested on Monday 25th March (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two

Friday 15 March 2013

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We were delighted on Monday to receive all the children’s fantastic home learning and have been blown away with the children’s amazing efforts to solve multiplication problems using the grid method. We have had an exciting day for Comic Relief and have enjoyed showing off all of our creative hairstyles with each other. We also had a ball at our speed mark challenge in the hall! 

Home Learning

This week, we would again like the children to practice all of their timetables, all the way up to 12 times 12, in order to support their learning in numeracy. We have sent every child home with a list of multiplication questions for them to answer, as quickly as they can, mentally. We have also sent home some division questions which the children can solve using the written strategy of the bus stop method, which we have been learning across the week. We encourage the children to tackle as many of the calculations as they feel confident with and will reward them for their efforts on Monday.


This week in Literacy the children have been learning how to write a successful holiday review, stating both positive and negative opinions about their holiday. The children have been using a wide variety of sophisticated adjectives to describe and have been extending their super sentences into both compound and complex sentences using a range of conjunctions. Next week we will be learning how to write a diary all about our time on a tropical island.


In numeracy, the children have been learning how to solve division problems using the written bus stop method. The children have had to work out how many times a number will fit equally inside another number and then carefully carry the remaining numbers across (remainders). The children have been solving problems involving numbers all the way up to HTU. Next week we are using our written strategies for both multiplication and division to solve worded problems.


This week in topic the children have been learning about the process of mummification. The children have been gathering notes from different sources such as videos, songs and books in order to gain a thorough understanding of how people where mummified, why they went through this process and whose job it was to mummify people! Using this knowledge, the children teamed up and devised a short play/song/rap which detailed the main steps of mummification. We all found it very amusing to watch each other being mummified using toilet paper!


·        We are currently finalising the time table for the year 4 residential and we will have this and the kit list to give to you before the Easter break. We will also be holding a parent meeting in the hall on Tuesday 19th April at 3:15 for those who wish to speak to a member of staff with any queries regarding the residential.

Have a lovely weekend!

Team 3/4

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