Thursday 6 December 2012

Spellings Aut2 Wk7

Spellings to be tested on Monday 17th December (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two


Friday 7th December

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

This week has been our assessment week and we’ve been very proud of the children’s mature and sensible attitude towards their learning; every child tried their absolute best, which is always great for us teachers to see! This week has also seen us kick off our rehearsals for our Christmas production (which is just over a week away, with performances on Tuesday 18th December and Wednesday 19th December). Those children with speaking parts have been trying very hard to learn their lines at home and remember who they speak before and afterwards so thank you with your support on this. We get very excited about our Christmas production every year and look forward to this being another cracker!

Home Learning

Thank you for continuing to support your child with improving their star write challenges, we have been very pleased to see the children are not simply copying their writing, but are thinking about how to make it better by reading the target their teacher has set them. We feel this support from you at home is valuable in ensuring your child makes progress so thank you for working with us on this. We have also been very impressed with all the reading going on at home, both in books and online via our Bug Club scheme. Keep up the great work!


In our topic sessions this week, the children have been writing their very own letters of thanks to the lovely people at the Leeds Grand Theatre. They have really enjoyed writing for a real purpose and the final letters look fabulous! We are going to be sending them all to the theatre in a pack so fingers crossed the children will get a reply soon!

Christmas Production

Next week, we will be having rehearsals for our production. The children are trying very hard to learn their lines and remember their stage directions as well as the lyrics to all the fantastic songs. Each class has learned their own dance for their class song- why not ask your child to show you how it goes? We have been blown away by the great enthusiasm for the production from boys and girls alike, which is great! We hope you are all aware of the costume your child needs but if not, please ask them or your child’s class teacher for clarification.

Jam Jars!

During our last week of term, we will be doing lots of fun, crafty Christmas activities, which will be exciting for the children. In order to do this, we are asking that every child brings a glass jar in. So far, we have had some in but are not close to the 90 we need so that all children can participate. If you can recycle any jam jars, or jars from past sauce that would be great! Don’t worry about lids, no lids are fine too! Thank you!

Have a lovely weekend!


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