Thursday 28 February 2013

Spellings Spr2 Week 3

Spellings to be tested on Monday 11th March (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two


29 February 2013

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We have had a lovely first week back after the half term holiday. We were really excited to see the children’s super home learning about the Egyptian Gods and were very impressed with the facts and information they had learned. This week also saw us start a new unit in PE which focusses on team work and collaboration when undertaking tasks such as orienteering, which the children are really enjoying.


This half term in Literacy we are learning how to write recounts. This week, we have been looking at both formal and informal letter writing and the different language used in them. We wrote an informal postcard to a friend or family member about a trip to the pyramids in Giza and also a formal letter to an archaeologist to tell them about our discoveries. We’re really proud of the children for using a higher level of vocabulary in their writing e.g. viewed instead of saw. This is something we hope to continue to develop across the half term.


In numeracy, the children have been learning how to double and halve both 2,3 and 4 digit numbers. We have looked at different strategies to use when doing this and have even tackled decimal numbers too! Please test your children on doubling and halving odd and even numbers mentally. Next week we are focussing on solving written strategies for solving multiplication and division.


This week in our topic sessions we have been learning all about the Great Pyramids of Giza, why they were built, how long they took to build and exactly how big they were. The children have enjoyed note taking from videos and were able to use this new knowledge to create fantastic photostory videos which will be on our you tube channel soon, so watch this space! Next week, we will be learning all about mummification and the afterlife.


·        Can we remind you that children need a full PE kit in school, clearly labelled, from Monday-Friday. Please ensure this consists of a plain white t-shirt as well as shorts or jogging bottoms.

Have a lovely weekend!


Team 3/4

Wednesday 27 February 2013

AMAZING Ancient Egypt!

Hello, we are the year 3/4 bloggers (Lily H & Matthew T.) We are going to tell you about year 3/4s mind blowing learning in topic!!!! This week we are working on the ancient pyramids and were they are, how they construted them, and even the three main pyramids in Giza. (The pyramid of Khufu, the pyramid of Khafre and last but not least the tomb of Menkaure.)

                              King Khufu

King Khufu's great pyramid  is as high as 15 double decker buses. His pyramid, which is 146m high, took 4000 men and 20 painkilling years to build (WOW!!!!) Also it took 2.3 million blocks!


Have you ever been to Egypt to view the extraordinary pyramids?


Thursday 14 February 2013

Friday 15th February

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter
We have had an incredible week in LKS2 and have been extremely proud of the children’s sensible and mature attitudes towards their assessments. It’s been a great opportunity for the children to show off all of their amazing learning from across the half term and we are so pleased with the progress the children are making. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your continued support with the children’s learning at home. Ensuring they have this support really does help them to make even more progress in school as it supplements and reinforces what they are learning in class.
Home Learning
For our holiday home learning we would like the children to research and learn about the Ancient Egyptian Gods. The children can present their learning in any format they choose; a presentation, a drawing of a god, a video, a model or some factual notes about one or more of the Gods. We look forward to sharing these during our topic sessions after the  holidays. We would also like you to encourage your child to read at home as much as possible over the half term break and record this reading in their reading records. Please can you also encourage your child to access their Bug Club account online if they are part of the scheme and complete the quizzes to check their understanding of the text. 
The children have blown us away with their incredible writing this week. Everyone has written a story and the children have worked extremely hard to incorporate lots of adjectives, adverbs, nouns and amazing compound and complex sentences in their writing. They have also tried super hard to use a balance of action, description and dialogue to move their stories on. Next half term we are learning how to write a variety of different recount texts effectively, such as; letters, reviews and reports.
This week in numeracy the children have carried out assessments covering the different units we have looked at since September. The children managed to tackle a variety of question types and showed an increased confidence in choosing the appropriate strategy to solve these. We were very pleased to see the huge improvement in the children’s mental maths scores and the ability to answer a question within a time limitation. We can see children in year 3/4 have been busy learning their times tables, well done. Next half term we will be learning both written and mental strategies to solve multiplication and division problems.
This week the children have been carefully decorating their Egyptian Pharaoh masks, according to the designs they created in their topic books. They have also completed a great fact file about the discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb as well as a Kar2ouche animation on the computer to re-tell the story of this great discovery. We look forward to sharing these with you at parent consultations next half term.

·        Next half term’s PE sessions will be outside so please ensure all children bring a warm tracksuit and trainers.

Have a lovely weekend!

Team 3/4


Spellings Spr2 Week 2

Spellings to be tested on Monday 4th March (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)
Group One
Group Two

Thursday 7 February 2013

Friday 8 February 2013

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

What another busy week we have had in year 3/4! The children participated in our Sign2Sing record breaking attempt on Wednesday along with the rest of the school and thoroughly enjoyed it! We’ve also been very impressed with the children’s attitude to their learning this week!

Home Learning

Thank you for your continued support at home with the children’s reading, writing and numeracy. Ensuring they have this support really does help them to make even more progress in school as it supplements and reinforces what they are learning in class. As our literacy unit is story writing, we would like the children to show off all of their skills learned in class by writing an adventure story in their star write challenge books. We have not been copying their writing to send home this half term as they have been producing a guided paragraph a day, instead of writing it all in one session. However, it would be good to see if they can put all their skills into a story at home and will be good practice for them ahead of next week’s assessed write.


This week, as part of our narrative unit, we have been continuing to write mystery stories. The children have been learning about conjunctions and how to use them to create effective compound sentences. As well as this, they have learned more about complex sentences. Why not ask your child what a subordinate clause and a main clause are in a sentence? See if they can give you an example! We have been really encouraging them to not just go with the first sentence they think of, but to then try and improve it with adverbs, adjectives and powerful verbs and we have been blown away with some of the beautiful prose they have come up with!


In numeracy this week we have been learning about capacity. The children have found out how to convert litres to millilitres and read different scales on measuring jugs. They’ve then had to apply this to word problems to find the difference (subtract) or add the extra amount. This has involved a lot of sophisticated skills and we have been impressed with their willingness to learn and tenacity they have shown when tackling such problems.


The children are continuing to enjoy our Ancient Egypt topic and this week has seen them all begin to create their own Pharaoh mask using paper mache. Next week, they will be carefully decorating them according to the designs they created in their books last week. In addition to this, they have also produced a great fact file about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb as well as a Kar2ouche animation on the computer to re-tell the story of this great discovery.


·        All year 4 boys need to ensure that their swimming shorts are above the knee and girls need to take their earrings out for swimming. If they have been recently pierced their ears must be covered up with a swimming hat

·        Next week’s PE session will be outside so please ensure all children bring a warm tracksuit and trainers.

Have a lovely weekend!

Team 3/4

Spellings Spr2 Week 1

Spellings to be tested on Monday 25TH February

Group One
Group Two


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