Thursday 31 January 2013

Friday 1st February

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We have had another fantastic week in lower key stage two and the children have not only impressed us with their fantastic attitudes towards their learning but also their amazing manners and the kindness they are showing to one another in the playground. The children have been busy learning our ‘Sign To Sing’ song ahead of our record breaking attempt on Wednesday 6th February.
Home Learning

For the children’s home learning we would like you to encourage your child to read at home as much as possible, and record this reading in their reading records. Please can you also encourage your child to access their Bug Club account online if they are part of the scheme and complete the quizzes to check their understanding of the text. Thank you for your continuing support with helping the children to learn their spellings every week. We are really pleased with those who practice hard to get 10/10 as this is having a big impact on their writing. As out literacy unit is story writing this half term we would like the children to show off all of their writing skills by writing us an adventure story.

This week, as part of our narrative unit, we have been writing mystery stories, looking at how to include a balance of speech action and description to move the story on. The children have also been recognising verbs in a sentence and changing the tense of different sentences to past, present and future. Next week we are focusing on sentences structure; extending our super ideas into both compound and complex sentences using a variety of conjunctions.

In numeracy, the children have been choosing the correct strategy either column addition or column subtraction, to solve words problems involving weight. The children have then used both these strategies to solve two step worded problems, carefully reading the problems to determine the correct strategy to use. We have also been converting our answers into both grams and kilograms. Why don’t you ask your child to show you how to convert a weight into milligrams, grams or kilograms?

This week we have been learning all about the discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb and the Valley of the kings. We have also been using hieroglyphics to solve problems and haven even created our own cartouche (name tags) using hieroglyphics. Next week we will be writing a news report about Howard Carter’s discovery of the tomb, creating our own Pharaoh masks and becoming archaeologists by discovering various artefacts found in the Valley of the Kings.


·        Please can you bring in any old newspapers for us to use during topic next week as we are using it for paper mache.

·        All year 4 boys need to ensure that their swimming shorts are above the knee and girls need to take their earrings out for swimming. If they have been recently pierced their ears must be covered up with a plaster.

·        Next week’s PE session will be outside so can all children bring a warm tracksuit and trainers for PE.

Have a lovely weekend!

Team 3/4

Spellings Spr1 Week 6

Spellings to be tested on Monday 11TH February (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two

Friday 25 January 2013

Friday 25th January

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We have had a super week in Lower Key Stage 2 and are very proud of the children continued commitment to their learning. After our fantastic performance of ‘Go Bananas’, we are now learning our new sign language song called ‘Sing2sing’. This is really developing our range of signs used in the classroom. If your child would like to practice this at home, please encourage them to visit the website


This week the children have been learning how to use lots of amazing adverbs, in order to describe how a character moves. We have been taking part of lots of drama activities so children can really see the importance of describing how a character moves. Why don’t you ask your child to play the adverb game at home when you are doing every day jobs? The children have also been using a story mountain in order to plan their very own adventure stories. These are broken down in to an opening, build up, climax, resolution and an ending. We have been really impressed with everyone’s imaginations, and the stories they wrote for their star write challenge were really detailed! Well done guys.


In numeracy the children have been learning all about weight. They have been learning how to work out the intervals on the scale, how to read a scale accurately, and how to draw the dial on the scale. Why don’t you bake some buns at home to test out their amazing knowledge of scales? Next week the children will be using applying these skills to solve worded problems. This will require children to read the questions carefully, find the key information, and then think of an appropriate strategy to use to solve the problem.


During our science lessons we are learning all about Evolution and Inheritance. The children have had lots of fun leaning how parents pass on key features to their offspring. We have used the Mr Men characters to design new characters that have characteristics from both parents. We have also looked at cross and selective breeding, and discussed the reasons why and how farmers produce different crops.


This week the children have been learning all about the story of Moses. We have been watching video clips from the film ‘The Prince of Egypt’, and reading the story, in order to retell the events in chronological order through drawings and detailed descriptions. We have been blown away by their questions to further their understanding about this bible story.


·        PE this half term is invasion games, please ensure your child brings their PE kit into school on a Monday and keeps it in school until Friday.

·        We check Reading Records every Monday morning, please ensure your child brings in their signed Record so we can reward all of their fantastic reading.

Have a lovely weekend!

Team 3/4

Spellings Spr1 Week 5

Spellings to be tested on Monday 28th January (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two

Friday 18 January 2013

Spellings Spr1 Week 4

Spellings to be tested on Monday 28th January (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two

Friday 18th January

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We have had yet another amazing week in LKS2 full of exciting and inspiring learning. We have been busy learning our first song in sign language ‘Go Bannna’s’ and are very proud of the children for their commitment and dedication in learning each of the signs correctly.

Home Learning

For the children’s home learning we would like you to encourage your child to read at home as much as possible, and record this reading in their reading records. As we are working hard to develop our reading comprehension, why don’t you ask your child to retell part of the story? Please also encourage your child to access their Bug Club account online if they are part of the scheme. Thank you for your continuing support with helping the children to learn their spellings every week. We are really pleased with those who practice hard to get 10/10.


This week, as part of our narrative unit, we have been writing lots of descriptive sentences describing different characters appearances. The children have been continuing to develop their use of effective adjectives focusing on characters; height, build, age, hair and eye colour, clothes and other distinguishing features. We’ve had lots of fun listening to various descriptions and trying to draw an accurate picture of the person being described. We have also created our own characters that we have written descriptive sentences about including both adjectives and similes. Why not ask your child to describe a character for you to draw and see how detailed their descriptions are. Next week, we will be planning and writing our own stories with a focus on how to use adverbials effectively to describe how a character moves and speaks.


In numeracy, the children have been solving addition word problems about length. The children have worked hard to unpick the word problem, pulling out the relevant information and choosing an appropriate strategy to solve the problem.  The children have also been learning how to convert the different units of measure in order to give their answers in either mm, cm, m or km.


This week we have been learning when Ancient Egypt was and seen where it fits on a timeline of other periods we study in 3/4. We’ve also studied the different uses of the Nile for Ancient Egyptians and why the Nile was important for farming. We put all our new found knowledge onto fact cards that we stuck onto our working walls. Next week we will be learning all about the pharaohs and even creating our own pharaoh masks.


·        PE this half term is invasion games, please ensure your child brings their PE kit into school on a Monday and keeps it in school until Friday.

·        We check Reading Records every Monday morning, please ensure your child brings in their signed Record so we can reward all of their fantastic reading.

Have a lovely weekend!

Team 3/4

Thursday 17 January 2013

Spellings Spr1 Week 3

Spellings to be tested on Monday 21st January (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two


Friday 11th January

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

It has been lovely to see the children return to school after the Christmas break with such enthusiasm and excitement for our new topic, Ancient Egypt. For the third time since September, we have been absolutely blown away with the quality of the home learning that took place over the school holidays. There are incredible pyramids, paintings on canvasses, poster displays, presentations and even some model mummies too! Our thanks to you all for supporting your children with this. We are very much looking forward to the half term ahead!


This week has seen us kick start our narrative unit for this half term. We are looking at writing our own adventure and mystery stories and this week our focus has been on different settings. The children have enjoyed developing their use of effective adjectives to describe different places. We have incorporated some drama into our lessons so the children can really think about the five senses as they imagined themselves in a certain place (a tropical island, a boat in a storm, a forest). Why not ask your child what fantastic adjectives they wrote in their new ‘magpie book’ this week? Next week, we will be continuing to focus on adjectives but looking at how we can use them to effectively describe different characters in a story.


In numeracy, the children have been learning about how to measure length. They now know the appropriate conversions from millimetres to centimetres, centimetres to metres and metres to kilometres. We have also been practicing how to use a ruler to measure accurately and then combining this to work out the perimeter of different shapes. Next week, the children will be using their knowledge of length and applying it to worded addition and subtraction problems.


Our topic got off to a ‘flying start’ this week as we went on an imaginary flight to Egypt to learn about what Egypt is like today. The children were thoroughly engaged in the session and did a great job of completing a challenging tour guide quiz while watching some tour videos on our plane journey. We were very impressed with their attitude towards food tasting as well, as they tried some typical Egyptian food such as cous cous, flatbread, grapes, humous and chick peas. All the children can know say which continent Africa is in and enjoyed using an atlas to find out what countries surround it. Why not see how many of the world’s continents your child can remember?


·        Year 4 swimming will restart next week, the 18th January.

·        PE this half term is invasion games, please ensure your child brings their PE kit into school on a Monday and keeps it in school until Friday.

Have a lovely weekend!

Team 3/4

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