Friday 18 January 2013

Friday 18th January

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We have had yet another amazing week in LKS2 full of exciting and inspiring learning. We have been busy learning our first song in sign language ‘Go Bannna’s’ and are very proud of the children for their commitment and dedication in learning each of the signs correctly.

Home Learning

For the children’s home learning we would like you to encourage your child to read at home as much as possible, and record this reading in their reading records. As we are working hard to develop our reading comprehension, why don’t you ask your child to retell part of the story? Please also encourage your child to access their Bug Club account online if they are part of the scheme. Thank you for your continuing support with helping the children to learn their spellings every week. We are really pleased with those who practice hard to get 10/10.


This week, as part of our narrative unit, we have been writing lots of descriptive sentences describing different characters appearances. The children have been continuing to develop their use of effective adjectives focusing on characters; height, build, age, hair and eye colour, clothes and other distinguishing features. We’ve had lots of fun listening to various descriptions and trying to draw an accurate picture of the person being described. We have also created our own characters that we have written descriptive sentences about including both adjectives and similes. Why not ask your child to describe a character for you to draw and see how detailed their descriptions are. Next week, we will be planning and writing our own stories with a focus on how to use adverbials effectively to describe how a character moves and speaks.


In numeracy, the children have been solving addition word problems about length. The children have worked hard to unpick the word problem, pulling out the relevant information and choosing an appropriate strategy to solve the problem.  The children have also been learning how to convert the different units of measure in order to give their answers in either mm, cm, m or km.


This week we have been learning when Ancient Egypt was and seen where it fits on a timeline of other periods we study in 3/4. We’ve also studied the different uses of the Nile for Ancient Egyptians and why the Nile was important for farming. We put all our new found knowledge onto fact cards that we stuck onto our working walls. Next week we will be learning all about the pharaohs and even creating our own pharaoh masks.


·        PE this half term is invasion games, please ensure your child brings their PE kit into school on a Monday and keeps it in school until Friday.

·        We check Reading Records every Monday morning, please ensure your child brings in their signed Record so we can reward all of their fantastic reading.

Have a lovely weekend!

Team 3/4

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