Thursday, 22 November 2012

Spellings Aut 2 Week 5

Spellings to be tested on Monday 26th November (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two

Friday 23rd November

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We have had yet another amazing week in LKS2 full of exciting and inspiring learning. The children have blown us away with their fantastic and imaginative inventions they’ve designed with the brief to improve people’s lives. We have had teleporters, robots that clean your houses, machines that can make you breakfast, pens that write for you and much more. We look forward to showing off both the children’s designs and the final prototypes of these inventions at our ‘Great Exhibition’ on Friday 23rd November at 3:15 in your child’s classroom.

Home Learning

Well done to all of those children who have been put on our new Bug Club scheme and managed to log on and read their first ebooks online. Every week there will be a selection of new books for you to enjoy and some fun and exciting quizzes and follow up activities to complete. It is really useful for us to be able to track the children’s progress each time they visit the site and reward them for all of their hard work. This week your child would have received a photocopy of their writing from the previous week’s star write challenge and an exercise book. This is something we will be sending home on a weekly basis for you and your child to read through. Please discuss the teachers comment and new target set with your child and then give them the opportunity to redraft their writing incorporating the new target. We think this is a fantastic opportunity to share the amazing writing that your child is doing and for you to help support them with their next steps.


We have continued to develop our superb writing techniques to persuade the reader this week. After evaluating their previous letters to Prince Albert, the children have written another letter, using even more persuasive techniques to persuade him to let them exhibit their very own invention in the Great Exhibition. We were blown away with the use of persuasive and audience engaging features such as, superlatives, comparatives, questions, quotes, statistics, and adjectives. In addition to all of this, the children have been learning to sophisticate their sentence structure by using both compound and complex sentence.


This week in numeracy the children have been learning different mental strategies for addition and subtraction. The children have been trying really hard to find number bonds, doubles and halves, and pairs of multiples of 5 and 50 that total 100. They have been racing against time to improve the speed of their calculations and we have been really impressed by their focus and determination. Next week we will be consolidating our new mental strategies and then applying them to different mathematical concepts.


The children have been working super hard to finish their Victorian zoetrope’s and thaumatropes, and have continued the whole class effort in creating a ride from a Victorian fair ground using the K-nex. The children have also designed a new invention of their very own that will improve people’s lives. We are looking forward to making these next week.


·        Next week the children are making their own inventions. Could you please bring in any cereal boxes, egg boxes, plastic bottles or yoghurt pots.

·        Please can you also bring in any jam jars. We are starting to collect them in preparation for our Christmas lanterns.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Friday 16th November

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We have had a fun and busy week in LKS2 and we have especially enjoyed being part of the auditions for out fabulous Christmas Production ‘A Dancing Christmas Party’. We would like to say a big well done to all the year 4’s who had spent a lot of time rehearsing, it really paid off! All children in year 3/4 will have a part in the production by either, dancing, singing or acting and we are looking forward to start rehearsals over the next few weeks.

Home Learning

For the children’s home learning we would like you to encourage your child to read at home as much as possible, and record this reading in their reading records. As we are working hard to develop our reading comprehension, why don’t you ask your child to retell part of the story? Thank you for your support with helping the children to learn their spellings every week. We are really pleased with those who practice hard to get 10/10. If your child is a year 4 who has consistently achieved 10/10 in their spellings test every week, we now have some year 5 spellings up on our blog for them to learn as well, if they so wish. The will continue to be tested on their year 4 spellings on a Monday, but will be tested on the year 5 spellings as well during the week.


We have had such a fabulous week developing out knowledge on persuasive writing. The children have wowed us by writing a letter to Price Albert asking him to show off a Victorian Invention in the Great Exhibition. We were blown away with the use of persuasive and audience engaging features such as, superlatives, comparatives, questions, quotes, statistics, and adjectives. In addition to all of this, the children have been learning to sophisticate their sentence structure by using both compound and complex sentence. Why don’t you ask your child what an embedded clause is, and get them to teach you how to use it effectively?


This week in numeracy the children have been learning how to subtract using column subtraction. The children have been working with numbers ranging from 2 to 5 digits, and have also worked with money. We are really pleased at how confident the children are at using this strategy, and pleased with the effort they have shown when learning how to borrow from the ten next door. Well done year 3/4! Next week in numeracy, the children will be drawing upon their mental strategies for addition and subtraction, and learning how to answer questions at speed. Please encourage your children to double and half numbers at home, and find different pairs of number that total 100 – 1000.


What a busy time we have been having in topic over the last week! The children have been working hard to make a range of Victorian toys such as zoetrope’s and thaumatropes, and have begun making a ride from a Victorian fair group using the K-nex. We have been so impressed with every child’s ability to read and follow instructions, their attention to detail, and their team skills!


·        PE kits need to come in on a Monday and taken home on a Friday. Miss Thackeray’s and Mrs Moore’s class will now have PE on Tuesdays. Miss Snowden’s will have PE on Thursday

·        Those children who have ‘home learning packs’ please ensure they are brought into school every Monday morning.

Spellings Aut2 Wk4

Spellings to be tested on Monday 12th November (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two

Thursday, 8 November 2012

Year 5 Spellings Autumn 2 Week 3

Year 5 Spellings

For those year 4 children who are in group two and are consistently achieving 10/10, they can practice these year 5 spellings as well as their year 4 spellings.

Group Two

Friday 9th November

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

What a fantastic first week back we have had in year 3/4! We have been truly blown away by the fantastic home learning the children brought in on Monday! We had some INCREDIBLE models of Victorian inventions, such as penny farthings, cameras, green post boxes and telephones! Clearly, a lot of time and effort had been spent on them so well done to all!

Home Learning

It was great to see all the reading the children had also been doing over the half term holiday. Please continue to support your child with this, as it really does have a positive impact on their learning in class. For their home learning this week, the children have an extra task set from Mrs Mistry in preparation for our Christmas Fair. They have been asked to write a Christmas poem or joke on a piece of paper and bring it in. We will then be putting forward the most creative to be published in the programme at the Christmas fair. How exciting! Over the next few weeks, we will be beginning our rehearsals for our Christmas production ‘A Dancing Christmas Party’. As usual, priority for speaking parts goes to year 4s in the first instance. If there are any parts not filled, we will re-audtion with the year 3s. If your child has expressed an interest in auditioning for a part, they have taken home one page of the script today (Friday). They need to decide which character’s lines they want to read and learn them off by heart, making sure they say them with expression (perhaps throw a few actions in!). We will be holding the auditions on Tuesday afternoon. We can’t wait!


Thank you for your support with helping the children to learn their spellings every week. The children are tested on a Monday and get their new spellings on a Monday too so they have a full week to learn them. We are really pleased with those who practice hard to get 10/10. If your child is a year 4 who has consistently achieved 10/10 in their spellings test every week, we now have some year 5 spellings up on our blog for them to learn as well, if they so wish. The will continue to be tested on their year 4 spellings on a Monday, but will be tested on the year 5 spellings as well during the week.

Our Great Exhibition

This half term we will be holding our very own Great Exhibition! This will offer you the chance to come into the hall and witness all the wonderful outcomes the children have created. This will take place on Wednesday 28th November at 2:30-3:00pm. We look forward to seeing you all there!


This week the children have been imagining they are a great Victorian inventor and were asked to write an advert to persuade people to buy their new invention. Their writing was fantastic! Next week, we will be learning how to write a formal letter of persuasion.


In numeracy, the children have been learning how to add numbers by partitioning and recombining. They have also been learning how to use column addition to add large numbers and amounts of money. Next week, we will be looking at column subtraction.

Autumn 2 Week 3 Spellings

Spellings to be tested on Monday 19th November (the children already have their spellings for this Monday)

Group One
Group Two


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