Key Stage 2 Newsletter
We’ve had a lovely first
week back in year 3/4, we can’t believe it the children’s final term before the
end of the year, it has gone so quickly! It was great to see such wonderful
home learning across the three classes. From a model of the Taj Mahal, to a
fantastic painting of Indian Gods and Henna designs, a lot of children had
clearly spent lots of time and effort on their learning at home, which is
This half term we are
learning about journalistic writing. The children have kicked off this topic by
looking at language effects to create catchy headlines as well as how to write
the different sections of a newspaper article. They have all written an article
which included: a headline, orientation, main text, reorientation, picture and
a caption. Why not ask your child to explain what these different words mean?
They have also been practicing how to change sentences between the past,
present and future tense, see if they can show you at home!
In numeracy this week the
children have begun their learning around fractions! They have been finding
fractions of numbers using the division methods they learned last half term and
have then been practicing how to apply these to word problems. This was tricky
as they had to read the questions very carefully, but we were really pleased
with their attitude, no one gave up! Next week, we will be learning about time.
The children should already be able to tell the time to the nearest hour and
half hour so why don’t you ask them this weekend?
The children have been very
excited about our new topic of India this half term! This week we have looked
at where India is and what the capital city is. We’ve also looked at comparing
life in Bangalore with life in Great Britain. The children found it very
interesting to look at photographs of different places in India, and see the
difference in lifestyle within the country itself. We have lots of exciting activities
coming up next week, including some cooking of Indian food!
Year 4 swimming will restart next week, the 25th
Please ensure your child’s PE kit is kept in
school from Monday-Friday every week.
Have a lovely weekend!
Team 3/4