Friday 14 June 2013

Friday 7th June 2013

Lower Key Stage 2 Newsletter

We have had a lovely first week back after the half term holiday. We were really excited to see the children’s super home learning about Africa and were very impressed with the variety we received, from cooking videos, to documentaries, posters and powerpoints, which showed off all of the skills the children learnt last half term. We were simply blown away! This week also saw us start a new unit in PE; athletics. This will prepare the children for sports day, which will take place Friday 12th July.


This half term in Literacy the children will be learning about poetry and play scripts. This exciting unit allows children to be creative, understand deeper knowledge of different poetry styles and develop their performance skills. This week in Literacy, children have been practicing using accurate punctuation in their writing. Next week we will be focusing on extending our ideas into compound and complex sentences.


This week in numeracy, the children have been revisiting their skills for addition and subtraction. We were really impressed with the children’s increased confidence when using strategies like column addition and column subtraction, and were pleased with the children’s independence around using these to solve worded problems involving money. Next week we will be learning about position and direction and using compass skills to navigate each other to different places. We will be learning how to plot and read co – ordinates on a grid and using these to design our own treasure island.


To kick off the first week of our new topic, Africa, the children have been learning about all of the different countries that are situated within this continent. The children have conducted their own research on a given country, and carefully gathered notes to form a detailed paragraph. The children have also drawn and coloured in their countries flag, which has made a great display. During our art sessions the children have been experimenting with pastels to create different images of the African skyline at various times of the day. We will be building upon these skills each week to create an African landscape scene with various African animals in the full front.


·        Can we remind you that children need a full PE kit in school, clearly labelled, from Monday-Friday. Please ensure this consists of a plain white t-shirt as well as shorts or jogging bottoms.

·        As the weather is a lot warmer now please ensure your child has a water bottle at school with them every day.

Have a lovely weekend!

Team 3/4

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