Lower Key Stage 2
what another exciting week we have had. We have continued to be impressed by
EVEN MORE Viking home learning consisting of longships, swords, shields,
posters and helmets. Well done and thank you to everyone for their efforts, we
have been well and truly blown away by the fabulous quality.
week Year 3/4 visited the Danelaw
Viking village in York where they spent the day living and working as a real
Viking. They helped their Viking ‘family’ to farm the land, make clay oil
lamps, grind wheat to make bread and even train as a warrior to help defend the
village against Saxon intruders. The day was truly wonderful and the children
were thoroughly immersed in all of the activities. The staff at the centre were
so impressed with each and every single person and commented that Robin Hood
were “a fabulous group to start off the new school year.” Well done Year 3/4 -
you really did us proud!
Achiever this week is all of Year 4
for their impeccable behaviour and enthusiastic approach to our Danelaw visit
on Monday. You really threw yourselves into the whole experience and played the
role of a Viking extremely well. Congratulations Year 4.
Home Learning
part of the children’s home learning in 3/4, we ask that the children read as
often as they can across the week. All of the children should by now have a
reading record book and a reading book from their book band colour. Please
continue to encourage your child to read on a regular basis and fill in the
reading record. We ask that your child hands their record in on a Monday so we
can reward them for each day they have read. If a child reads every day they
will be rewarded with a sticker.
children will also be receiving a blue Home Learning book where they will
complete the weekly home learning task. The home learning will be given out
every Friday and will be collected in the following Friday morning for marking.
However, if your child completes the task sooner, they are more than welcome to
bring it into school to be marked before the hand in date.
week we have been learning all about ordering and comparing numbers (including
decimals) and have used the correct symbols ( < = >). We have also
applied our skills to recognising the different values of coins and solving
problems involving money. Next week we will be looking at number sequences and
how to spot the patterns within them. Home
learning: your child will have received a selection of questions and
problems from this week’s learning as a means of embedding and securing the
learning that has taken place. Please also continue to support your child with
their learning of their times tables and basic number bonds to 10 and 100.
These basic number facts underpin almost everything that we cover during
numeracy lessons. Thank you. Next week’s times table focus will be the 2 X
tables…get practising!
week, we have been focussing our attention on the use of conjunctions (but, so,
and, which, however, because) to join
simple sentences to form compound sentences. We have been applying these skills
to shared and independent writes about school and family life in the style of a
non-chronological report. Next week we will be continuing to apply these skills
to begin writing a non-chronological report about the Vicious Vikings.
Spellings will be tested on Monday 16th
September. Please support your child in practicing their spellings every
day to help them achieve 10/10 in their spelling test every week.
Group One
Group Two
Please can all Year 4 children remember to
bring their swimming kit and goggles if needed every Friday. They may also
bring a snack to eat on the coach on the way back to school. This can be a
biscuit or a piece of fruit.
Please ensure your child’s PE kit is kept in
school from Monday-Friday every week.
As the weather begins to turn that little bit
cooler and wetter, please ensure your child has a suitable outdoor coat/jacket.
Have a fabulous weekend!
Team 3/4
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